Protecting yourself

You might think you’re safe by having a vet do a pre-purchase exam. You would be wrong unless you actually pull blood and wait for the results to come back. Even if a horse passes a lameness exam, there’s a good chance that Simon is conspiring to hide the lamenesses of the horse.

Test, test, test

When you’re dealing with these types of people don’t take anything they say for granted. Make sure you wait to buy until you’ve received confirmation from the labs and vet that the test result are clean. The letter below is from a lab that tested a horse owned by Simon through one of his fronts Justin Michels who partners with Simon on Northstar Invitational Horse Sale. The duo conspired and committed fraud selling the drugged horse. Virtually every horse in the auction is owned by Simon. Apparently they just just send invitations to themselves!

Steer Clear

When you’re dealing with liars and cheaters the best thing you can really do is just avoid them. If someone has history of doing something they’re usually going to do it again. This verified proof showing they drug horses prior to vet exams so your safest bet is just not to buy from them at any of their outlets.

Ryon’s Contact

Cell => (612)817-0939


29100 Harry Ave.
Randolph, MN 55065
